Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My First Few Weeks...Consolidated into a Few Paragraphs

So it has been a few weeks since I got to Hong Kong, and it has been completely amazing so far. I have gone to the Peak, many temples, hiking in the hills/mountains, shopping in the markets and millions of malls, etc. It has been very fun and very tiring. But things won't stop because I think I have worked it out so that I only have classes on Tuesday/Thursday, which will be great for traveling. I have plans to go to mainland China, Thailand, Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, and Malaysia. But Hong Kong itself is awesome. It is a beautiful mix of east and west. I live like an hour metro ride from the city, practically in paradise (like we have a beach on campus...and this picture is the view from my dorm). I live on the side of a mountain (I have to go up about 35 stories of elevators to get to class, and my ears pop every time) with a view of the sea. It is nice to be kind of far away because it is peaceful and there is no city craziness or pollution, but we are close enough to go into the city when we want to. I have seen all the typical things in Hong Kong, have gone to many interesting temples, and gone hiking in the hills/mountains of the island, so it has been an adventurous two weeks.
I also experienced the insanity that is the Chinese New Year. We went to the New Year Parade...kind of a disappointment because I couldn't see anything. Then we also went to the fireworks, which we set right in Central (the downtown Hong Kong) over the water. They were the BEST fireworks I have ever seen and lasted for 25 minutes...they really go all out for their New Year. I also got to hang out with my school assigned buddy, her name is Christine, for the New Year. I went to dinner with her family, and they helped me branch out in my eating habits. That night, I ate goose, goose tongue, shrimp (with the head still on it), and fried octopus. So that was DEFINITELY an interesting experience! The food in Hong Kong is actually pretty good if you know what to get. But the campus food, like most schools in the US, is subpar (I don't think I can eat another dish of rice and sauce for a few days). I think my favorite thing is the dim sum, which is like their afternoon tea and snack. Those snacks are always good, and OF COURSE I love the tea.

I have also met so many great people (this is a picture with some of my new friends at the horse races, where I didn't win a single bet)...most of them are exchange students because local people just started arriving back recently from the Chinese New Year with their families. I am hanging out with people from Norway, Sweden, France, etc. I am meeting people from all over the world...its crazy. My roommate is from mainland China, and I am hoping to become good friends with her.
I just started classes 2 days ago. They don't seem like they are going to be too difficult. And I am only taking three classes here, and since it is pass/fail...well, I just don't have to worry at all! This should be a semester to remember...
Loooooove from Hong Kong. - Sally


  1. Sally,

    you rock! Sounds like you are going to have a blast! Bring back King Kong for me.


  2. woww....
    i agree hongkong is beautifull country.
    Like a Heaven world....

    What do you thing about sidney(austalia)?

    i hope you view my blogger at


